Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Pastor Giving Out Condoms?

CP - “Rev.” Anthony Lee of Community of Hope A.M.E. Church in Temple Hills, MD., is tested for HIV four times a year directly from the pulpit. The pastor has long preached about the dangerous rates of HIV/AIDS in African-American communities.

"We do trainings on HIV 101, and then we also have club tours. That is where our street team goes into the clubs handing out prevention material and condoms. Our tag line in the club outreach is: God Loves You. Love Yourself Enough To Protect Yourself."

In response to criticism he has received for handing out condoms, the pastor said that not everyone lives by biblical standards of purity.

"So, at Community of Hope we preach about abstinence and about sexual purity as the standard. But we also have to deal with the reality that everyone is not living the standard.”


So what the Truth Center wants to know is; if everyone is not living the standard, is the church supposed to compromise and give out condoms to keep people not living up to it? It's clear why folks don't take Christians serious when pastors support giving condoms to the community. 

1 Thessalonians 4:3
For this is the will of God, even your sanctification, that ye should abstain from fornication:

1 comment:

  1. Finally I post I can be 100 on! we agree- giving out condoms are definitely are cause for confusion. You can't teach truth and deception at the same time.shame!
